2021 Did you get the most out of it.

As 2021 so far has been again a year in light of COVID-19, and keeping the lights on the big question is whether you have spend enough time to make use of the opportunity to streamline your business and optimize your cost base.

Many suppliers have been increasing their cost base and increased their prices, which could lead to unexpected surprises when you are working on your 2022 Budget.

A continuous review of the license base and the contract terms is key to be able to manage and survive in these tough times.

Don’t let the 100 pound gorilla like SAP, Microsoft, Salesforce, Oracle etc ruin your business.

Take action now and either do the review yourself or have a independent 3rd party perform the review for you and see how you can safe money going forward. Money which can be spend in growing your business rather than increasing the profits of your suppliers.

So question yourself, did i get the most out of it, or should i be afraid for 2022.

When the answer is “No”, it’s not too late, start acting now.

Good Luck and if you need any help, feel free to reach out.